GDPR & personal details we keep about you

From 25 May, 2018 every organisation holding personal data of members, associates or participants in events has to ensure that those contacts have the right to remove that data from their records. May we assure you that we shall never contact you nor send you any information that is not related to safer driving. Normally, we only share your information within the IAM RoadSmart organisation. If you pay us a subscription by Standing Order, by necessity we shall retain details of your request for the purposes of administration between you, us and your bank and we shall only share that information with your designated Bank or Building Society, as instructed. If you have requested that your subscription or donation is to qualify for Gift Aid, we shall again need to retain details of your request for the purposes of administration and only to
advise HMRC of your request. If you need to know more about the details we hold about you, or if you no longer wish to receive information relating to safer driving, please: download and view our Privacy Policy from here… or email with an appropriate request and we shall remove all of your personal details from our records.
GDPR logo


Nigel Jenkins
Group Contact
Our Group Leaders
President Maj. Gen. Ted Willmott, CB, OBE Chairman Adrian Barlow 01989 564676 Group Secretary Ray Papworth 01432 279878 Treasurer Kieran Lappin 01432 340252 Group Contact Stella Boyd-Carpenter 01432 840835 Chief Observer Nigel Jenkins 01684 566106 Membership Secretary Chris Walden 07811 815510 Minutes Secretary Ted Hayward 07813 020945 Area Coordinators North: Nigel Jenkins 07554 397395 South: Adrian/Chris Barlow 07788 516043 Young Driver Ambassador Anthony Mansfield

Herefordshire Advanced Drivers, improving safer driving . . .

Telephone 01432 840835 | email

Road Safety charity, registered no.1049679. Official provider of the IAM RoadSmart Advanced Driver courses
As a leading local Road Safety Charity in Herefordshire, we rely on our teams of volunteers who cover the whole county, ready to help you in any way to become a better, safer and well-informed driver:- distributing promotional leaflets to local shops, parish halls, safety organisations and charities locating suitable venues for our courses arranging bookings for you when you wish to attend any of our programmes. If you would like to join in, please ring Stella Boyd-Carpenter on 01432 840835 or email to group-
Our Volunteer Teams